ILEX events include:
Smaller-scale meetings featuring a short presentation and subsequent discussion on a given topic, and
Informal get-togethers.
After three very successful initial events in Frankfurt, ILEX events are set to now also take place in other locations, such as Stuttgart, Düsseldorf or Cologne; with Frankfurt, however, remaining a core location.
Join the ILEX mailing list:
Die neue Abhilfeklage kommt. Ist sie ein ausgewogener oder ein fauler Kompromiss?
Diese Frage diskutiert ILEX am 13. September 2023 um 15 Uhr mit hochkarätigen Gästen im Berliner Büro von Dentons (Markgrafenstr. 33). Im Rahmen der Berlin Dispute Resolution Days dürfen wir die folgenden Referenten bei uns begrüßen:
Keynote Speaker: Benjamin Strasser, Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Justiz
Im Anschluss an seine Rede nimmt Herr Strasser an einer Paneldiskussion teil. Seine Diskussionspartner sind:
Moderation: Dr. Alexandra Diehl, White & Case Frankfurt; Sebastian Gratz, Dentons Frankfurt.
Melden Sie sich hier an und sichern sich ihren Platz:
Litigation in the Nordic countries seems to be a melting pot of legal traditions.
Where else can you witness common law inspired cross-examination next to civil law legal-style briefs?
Our four speakers will discuss what we can learn from the Nordic litigation cultures - and what the Nordics can learn from each other.
The speakers are:
Prof. Clement Salung Petersen, University of Copenhagen
Tuomas Lehtinen, Partner, Professor of practice, Castrén & Snellman Attorneys, Helsinki
Prof. Dr. Anna Nylund, University of Bergen
Cecilia Eneheim Iveberg, Partner, Eneheim Iveberg Advokatbbyrå, Malmö
Moderation: Jan Heiko Koehlbrandt, LL.M. (Associate General Counsel (EMEA) – Archer Daniels Midland Co.), Dr. Sven Oswald (Partner - Möhrle Lapp Luther, Hamburg)
The event will be held as a hybrid event. The speakers will participate remotely.
Participants are invited to join via Zoom or attend a livestream of the event in-person at the offices of Dentons Europe LLP in
Frankfurt, Germany.
Both online and in-person participation is free of charge.
The ILEX think tank invites you to two webinars.
Six judges from international commercial courts will share their points of view on international commercial litigation in continental Europe. Get in touch with courts in
Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Paris and Stuttgart.
Use this one of a kind opportunity. You will get information from and exchange with judges and other experts in the field of international litigation. The topic is highly relevant with regard to newly installed chambers in state commercial courts where litigation can be conducted in English.
Registration is free of charge until July 14th and September 8th
July 15th - 6 pm
Moderation: Eva Kraft (Dentons Europe LLP, Frankfurt), Pierre-Yves Samson (SOFFAL, Paris)
Sept 9th - 6 pm
Moderation: Irene Brücher (District Court of Frankfurt), Nils Hala (ERIS LEGAL, Frankfurt)
Referent: Dr. Ralf Köbler, Präsident des Landgerichts Darmstadt, Mitglied der Justiz-Arbeitsgruppe "Modernisierung des Zivilprozesses"
Moderation: Dr. Miriam Nabinger (Director - Rechtsanwältin (Syndikus) Fresenius Medical Care) und Jan K. Schäfer (Partner - King & Spalding)
Mit der Corona-Krise stieg der Digitalisierungsdruck. Auch in der deutschen Justiz. Nun musste funktionieren, worüber man lange Zeit nur sprach: Der verbreitete Einsatz von Informationstechnologie. Nur so ließ sich die Arbeit der Justiz aufrechterhalten. Und man stellt fest: Es klappte gar nicht mal so schlecht. Vielleicht ist der deutsche Zivilprozess doch nicht so unreformierbar, wie es manchmal den Anschein hat?
Das Thesenpapier der Justiz zur "Modernisierung des Zivilprozesses" kommt daher zur rechten Zeit. Ihre Überlegungen zur Digitalisierung des Zivilprozesses müssen ihre Praxisrelevanz nicht erst erweisen. Die Vorschläge der Arbeitsgruppe könnten mit dem Schwung der Corona-Krise weit mehr Fortschritt als beA und digitale Aktenführung bedeuten.
Das Thesenpapier hat Sprengkraft. Auf fünf Seiten wird eine kleine Revolution der deutschen Justiz gezeichnet. Mehr Digitales, mehr Bürgernähe, mehr Technik – und deutlich gesteigerte Transparenz der Verfahren. Werden Parteien Ihren Vortrag bald selbst in einen Aktenspiegel eintragen? Gibt es beschleunigte Online-Verfahren? Oder gar ein Wortlaut-Protokoll?
Ihr Referent ist Dr. Ralf Köbler, Präsident des Landgerichts Darmstadt und Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe. Er wird das Papier vorstellen und freut sich auf die Diskussion. Unsere Moderatoren sind erfahrene Prozessrechtler. Dr. Miriam Nabinger ist Director für den Bereich Litigation International beim DAX-Konzern Fresenius Medical Care. Jan K. Schäfer ist Partner der internationalen Wirtschaftskanzlei King & Spalding in Frankfurt.
am 8. Oktober 2018, 14 bis 17 Uhr im Großen Sitzungssaal des Landgericht Hamburg, Sievekingplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg
5 June 2018 from 2:00 PM onwards
in the Institute for Law and Finance (ILF) at the Goethe-University Frankfurt, DZ BANK Room,
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 3, 60323 Frankfurt am Main.
It was all over the news on 9 May 2018: The German government plans to enact a law that would give certain qualified institutions the right to raise claims for declaratory judgments on behalf of groups of consumers. Other European countries have either already enacted similar laws or are planning to do so. The European Commission has recently presented its proposal to amend the current legislation in this regard in order to strengthen the position of consumers affected by the wrongdoing of large companies. How will the measures taken by the EU Member States and the Commission change the litigation landscape?
Already under the current legal framework, groups of consumers have raised group claims e.g. against VW in Germany and Facebook in Austria. In the UK, a class action has been filed against Mastercard.
The panelists are:
Dr. Fabian Reuschle
Judge at Landgericht Stuttgart and “Vater des KapMuG”
Dr. Otmar Lell
Teamleader Law and Trade at Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband e.V.
Dr. Christoph A. Baus
Partner, Litigation & Trial Department, Latham & Watkins, Hamburg
Dennis Horeman
Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Amsterdam
Moderators: Heiko Heppner, J.D. (KU) (Dentons) and Jan K. Schäfer (King & Spalding)
Are the measures proposed by the German government and the European Commission a good idea? Will they help consumers and companies receive justice? Or will they create the feared “US-style class actions”, which are expressly to be avoided?
The litigation think tank ILEX would like to discuss these questions with you in a mixed German/English-language panel discussion on the occasion of its annual conference on:
Time Schedule:
2:00 PM |
Registration |
2:30 to 2:45 PM |
Welcome Remarks by Dr. Rolf Friedewald (ILF) and |
2:45 to 3:45 PM |
First Panel Discussion |
3:45 to 4:00 PM |
Coffee Break |
4:00 to 5:00 PM |
Second Panel Discussion |
5:00 PM |
Reception (Faculty Lounge) |
Participation fee is
EUR 50.00 for lawyers and
EUR 25.00 for students/trainees.
Please contact us if you would like to participate.
12 October 2017, Stuttgart
ILEX goes Stuttgart. A first discussion roundtable took place in Stuttgart in cooperation with the DIS40 Stuttgart. The event aimed at exchanging views on the choice between litigation and arbitration from the inhouse perspective. The two distinguished inhouse counsel Roland C. Kemper (DEKRA) and Dr. Michael Bode (M+W Group) shared their experiences with different cases and dispute resolution fora, and explained how their choice is influenced by a number of factors. As a general trend, arbitration appeared as a preferred choice in international disputes while the advantages of state court proceedings were also recognized. The discussion between the panellists and participants moderated by Dr. Roland Kläger (Haver & Mailänder) revealed that German state court proceedings could improve with regard to international disputes for instance by allowing concentrated court hearings conducted in English, by establishing further specialised chambers for particular business areas, and by adjusting the application of German law on general terms and conditions in pure b2b-relationships. ILEX looks forward to continue the discussion in Stuttgart and elsewhere.
Brexit, English as official court language in some German courts and arbitration under attack as a consequence of the TTIP/CETA negotiations: Recent events have changed the European world of dispute resolution considerably. Will these developments also have the effect that German courts will gain more popularity as a forum for international disputes?
In some areas of law this is not necessary: German courts are already a preferred location for, e.g., patent disputes. However, they are perceived less attractive in other areas of law such as antitrust. What is the reason for this discrepancy? Do we need to have more initiatives like „Law made in Germany“? Or can we just rely on the Brexit having the natural consequence that London will lose its role as a major place of dispute resolution in Europe and that cities like Frankfurt will profit from this? And will arbitration as mechanism of dispute resolution be strengthened by the recent criticism because these discussions will lead to fruitful reforms especially in the area of investment arbitration? Will all this be to the advantage or disadvantage of German courts?
The litigation think tank ILEX would like to discuss these questions with all of you in an English-language panel discussion on
24 November 2016
from 4 PM onwards
in the Frankfurt University of
Applied Sciences UAS,
Nibelungenplatz 1,
60318 Frankfurt am Main,
Room 412, Building 4.
The panelists are:
Marc Eumann
Presiding Judge, District Court of Bonn
Burkhard Hess
Max Planck Institute for International European and Regulatory Procedural Law at Luxembourg
Till Schreiber
Cartel Damage Claims Consulting (Brussels)
Julia Schönbohm
Linklaters (Frankfurt)
Matthew Scully
Clifford Chance (London).
Time Schedule:
3:30 PM |
Registration |
4 to 4:10 PM | Welcome Remarks by Prof. Dr. Isabella Anders-Rudes, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences |
4:10 to 6:30 PM | Panel Discussion |
6:30 PM | Evening Reception |
Please contact us if you would like to participate.
Participation is free of charge.
Dr. Marc Eumann, LL.M., has studied at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Dr. iur. 1998) and at Duke University School of Law (LL.M. 1995). In 1998 he became an associate judge in the judicial district of Bonn. After rotations to the legislation-division of the state justice-department of Northrhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf (2002-2004) and to the Oberlandesgericht (Court of Appeals) at Cologne (2007) he was promoted to presiding-judge in 2011. Today he is presiding over a panel of three judges hearing cases of economic crimes (tax-evasion, bankruptcy violations, fraud). Marc is also on the board of directors of the Deutsch-Amerikanische Juristen-Vereinigung (DAJV. German-American Lawyers Assoc.) In 2010 he was one of the two associate judges of the 19th (English language) civil-chamber at Landgericht (District Court) Bonn. In May 2010 he participated in the first trial heard by that chamber.
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Hess, became founding and executive director of the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law in September 2012. He studied law at the Universities of Würzburg, Lausanne and Munich and graduated in Munich in 1990. After being granted Venia Legendi in civil law, civil procedure, private international law, European law and public international law in 1996, he held chairs at the Universities of Tübingen and Heidelberg. He was a guest professor in Beijing, in Paris (Sorbonne) and in Georgetown, and a scholar-in-residence at the Center for Transnational Law at the New York University. He served as a part-time judge at the Court of Appeal of Karlsruhe. Burkhard often acts as an expert and advisor to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe and national governments. He has evaluated the European Insolvency Regulation and the Brussels I Regulation. He has also contributed to the drafting of the proposal for the Regulation on the European Attachment of Bank Accounts. He is the author of various books on German and European civil procedural law as well as co-editor of IPRax and of Kölner Kommentar zum Kapitalanleger-Musterverfahrensgesetz. He is Chairman of the ILA Committee on the Protection of Privacy in Private International and Procedural Law. In March 2015, the University of Ghent awarded Burkhard a doctor honoris causa; in May 2016, the University of Thessaloniki.
Dr. Julia Schönbohm, LL.M., is partner in Linklaters’ Frankfurt office. She practices in the Dispute Resolution team and focuses on the enforcement of intellectual property rights and the defence against infringement allegations. She is an expert in cross-border patent infringement proceedings. Her advice always considers efficient enforcement options in other European jurisdictions. Julia is admitted to practice in Germany and the State of New York. She is listed as an “often recommended patent specialist” by Germany’s leading legal magazine JUVE and was further chosen by JUVE to be one of the German “top 40 lawyers under 40”. She ranks among Germany’s best intellectual property lawyers (Handelsblatt Best Lawyers 2016) and is one of the “Top 250 Women in IP” for 2016/17.
Dr. Till Schreiber, LL.M., is the managing director of Cartel Damage Claims Consulting (CDC). In this role he is responsible for the analysis, preparation, management and funding of some of the largest private damage cases relating to pan-European antitrust infringements. Till has spoken at numerous conferences and has published widely on the innovative approach of CDC as well as general developments in the field of private antitrust enforcement in Europe. Till studied law at the universities of Bonn, Cologne, Barcelona and London (University College) and published a doctoral thesis on international competition law. Prior to joining CDC he worked as competition lawyer in a leading international law firm in Brussels, Cologne and Madrid.
Matthew Scully is based in Clifford Chance's London office. He is a commercial litigator with broad experience of banking, corporate, antitrust and fraud disputes and litigation with an international dimension. Matthew regularly represents clients in a wide range of sectors in litigation relating to commercial contracts, financial services products, shareholder disputes and asset tracing and recovery, in addition to acting in competition and financial services investigations.